Fonix… or phonics?
Michael Gove has suggested that year one children be tested on their reading using words like ‘zort’ and ‘koob’. I like to think some subversive wag inserted ‘koob’ into the test. Perhaps they could add ‘werd’, too. Anecdotal evidence suggests that advanced readers will fail this test, as they don’t recognise the words and feel shy…
Farewell Ronald Searle 1920-2011
Another hero bites the dust. Ronald Searle, gargantuan satirist, ineffable draughtsman, survivor and brilliant chronicler of the notorious Burmese railway, has died aged 91. Best known in the UK for Molesworth and St Trinians, Searle was an inspiration to Steve Bell, Posy Simmonds, Ralph Steadman, Gerald Scarfe and virtually everyone who picked up a pen…
You can see more of my Christmas cartoons here And here is DORIS, the cleaner, celebrating on a similar theme: Meanwhile, Flowkwee, my ALIEN SCHOOLBOY, is having trouble with his winter clothes: He think Father Christmas is a god -and doesn’t even seem to know what a jumper is: You can read The…
Book Award and phonics
I’m thrilled to hear that Letters from an Alien Schoolboy: Has been shortlisted for the Tower Hamlets Book Award – Fronter It was chosen with five other books from 30 titles and the vote is on Nov 25th.Here’s my original drawing for the cover. You can see the final…